What is a Root Canal?


Have you neglected seeking treatment for your decaying or injured tooth, resulting in the spread of infection to nerve tissue and the pulp chamber of your tooth? Are you worried that you might have to get the tooth extracted?

Relax! Hall Family Dentistry offer endodontics treatment as an effective alternative with which you can have the infection treated, without losing your tooth in the process.

While performing endodontics or a root canal procedure on Chandler, AZ patients, our dentists remove the infected tooth pulp and nerves from inside the tooth. After, they clean, disinfect, and fill the cavity. The endodontics procedure is completed by sealing and strengthening the tooth by capping it with a crown.

After we are done with the endodontics or root canal procedure, Chandler residents go home with:

  • Relief from their severe toothache
  • An assurance that their tooth infection has been eliminated for good
  • The satisfaction of knowing their natural tooth is still intact

Endodontics - Treatment for Chandler Patients


We have been providing endodontics treatment for Chandler residents since 1981 and have proven ourselves to be an honest, patient-friendly dental clinic.

We realize that the people who come to us for an endodontics procedure have already suffered days of discomfort and pain due to their tooth infection. The last thing they need is delay, hassles, or inefficiencies in their endodontic treatment.

Our expert, experienced, and compassionate dentists give top priority to patient comfort, convenience, and satisfaction while conducting any root canal procedure. Our services at our endodontics treatment facility in Chandler focuses on:

  • Prompt scheduling of appointments with our dentist
  • Avoiding long periods of waiting for a patient appointment
  • Putting patients at ease with friendly, gentle interaction
  • Ensuring efficient and accurate completion of the endodontics procedure

A Root Canal Procedure Can Help Save Teeth in Chandler


Many people try to avoid a root canal procedure in Chandler, fearing it to be painful. We want them to know that this doesn't have to be the way it goes.

With our skilled dentists, an endodontics procedure is as simple and painless as getting a tooth cavity filled. Best yet, our experts take the least possible root canal procedure time.

An infection of the tooth pulp does not get treated with antibiotics or disappear by itself. An endodontics procedure is a must to eliminate the infection. Consult us for endodontics treatment if you have symptoms like:

  • A discolored tooth
  • Swollen/tender gums
  • Severe toothache while chewing
  • Extreme sensitivity of tooth to hot/cold

Contact Hall Family Dentistry for the most professional endodontics treatment in the Chandler area. Call 480-345-0991.